Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Common Hair Myths

For years we have been taught old wive's tales about our hair. We all have heard them. Here are a few of the most common myths about men's hair.

Myth: Shaving will make my beard grow faster.
Fact: Your body does not know that your beard is shaved or long and full. Hair is basically protein and keratin and has no blood supply. Men often believe that shaving causes the beard  to grow faster and thicker, but facial hair typically grows thicker and faster as you age.

Myth: Growing my hair longer will hide my baldness.
Fact: Actually, growing your hair longer makes the thinning and baldness appear much more noticeable. If you can see scalp on the top, cut the sides short enough so you can see an equal amount of scalp. This will help take the emphasis off of the thinning area.

Myth: Baldness comes from my mother's side of the family.
Fact: Hair loss is entirely genetic and can come from either side of the family.

Myth: Wearing tight hats can make me bald.
Fact: The hat would have to be so tight that it cut off the circulation to the hair follicles. If that were the case, the hat would be too tight for you to wear comfortably. Wearing a tight hat can,however, cause hair breakage and damage.

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